Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Laptop and options and their verification?

All this information should be available via the control panel in Windows (click on System and Maintainance, and then go into System, and access your computer details). Vista makes it very difficult to access this information, and also the 32-bit edition still does not report the amount of actual ram accurately (just like XP). The wireless card should be avaialbe to view in your wireless setting (acessed via Networks in your control panel). I hope that this helps.

Where can i get a lid for a NAIAD cistren in Plymouth?

Try a plumbing merchant, I have been in old storerooms and seen old bits and pieces of vitreous WC,s where the other parts have broken. OR try a reclaimation yard.

How can you support Bush's when generals are calling him a catastophic failure ?

YES MANY Military Leaders, and now probably MAJORITY of U.S. Troops (3-4 or MORE Tours?) are Calling BUSH-CHENEY:: "OUT of CONTROL". !!!! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Chemical equilibrium?

addition of 12M HCl to saturated NaCl results in precipitation of NaCl. But when 1 M of HCl is added to the same NaCl solution, no precipitate forms..why?

Why are democrats & liberals anti-American?

Democrats lie because, with nothing bigger than themselves to believe in -- not G-d, not country, not democracy, not art, not truth -- truth is defined by whatever it is they say it is. Therefore the leftist believes themselves incapable of lying no matter how many times a Sandy Berger is caught cramming top secret war time doents down the front of his pants, how many forged doents Dan Rather uses, no matter how many children Al Sharpton fakes the of, no matter how many hateful slanders come from Ward Churchill and so on. To the Democrat any lie that advances their cause is, by definition, the truth.

Boondock Saints 2 (All Saints Day) is a go! Your thoughts!?

Umm... I don't know, Boondock saints was an awesome movie, but 2? it wouldn't be right, the ending was so superb and didn't make it look like there is going to be a sequel, but hey its already coming out soon so WOOT Boondock Saint 2! it better be as good as the first or better. lol and suh....weet, Rocco is back, that guy is funny. Wow never knew I was going to see the McM brothers again...Yessss lol

Troy Tulowitzki or Hanley Ramirez?

If you're asking which has more natural talent, then it's easily Hanely Ramirez. Tulo is a worker, but if Ramirez taps into his potential, I have to give the nod to Hanley. Hanley can do everything Tulo does just as good, if not better.

About conversion between absolute & gauge pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is constant. Therefore, it is easy to calculate each of these pressures. If it asks for absolute pressure, simply add the gauge and the constant atmosperic pressure. Hope that helps!!

Does anyone know where I can buy an Ugg Miny Boot Keychain?

I need to find one that's cheap and I need to be able to buy it in a store because I'm short on time and money. Any ideas?

I have A. A. in Liberal Arts. Will this benefit me in getting an entry job with B. S. in Civil Engineering?

I graduated with A. A. in Liberal Arts from a community college with 3.5 GPA and Honors. I worked very hard there; thus, I don't want it to be a waste of time. Now, I'm in a 4 year college (The City College of New York), majoring in Civil(Structural) Engineering. Civil(Structural) Engineering program is 134 credits while other Engineering majors such as Electrical and Mechanical are below that, so it'll probably take me 3 and a half years to graduate with B. S. in Civil(Structural) Engineering. Together with my ociate's, it'll be 5 and a half or six years! I feel that I wasted my time in a community college. I'll be around 23 years old when I'll graduate, but I started community college when I was 17 years old! I've joined Phi Theta Kappa - Honor Society and The National Society of Leadership and Success club when I was in a community college. I also volunteer at a local hospital. What do you think? Should I choose something else in order to graduate earlier? Will I look as a better candidate than other graduates because of my ociate's degree? Thank you.

Will this system run more smoothly on vista or xp?

im guessing thats a laptop from the graphics card,it will run either smoothly but id go for XP if you have lots of software from your previous PC.Vista still has some compatibility issues.

I'll rephrase, are you OK that your bible writers had no idea of what the heart did?

William Harvey (Born April 1st 1578, died June 3rd 1657) was an English Physician who first discovered and described correctly the circulation of blood being pumped by the heart around the body.

I keep getting disk boot failure when I restart my computer.?

I have Windows XP on my computer. In order to remove a trojan on my system, I attempted to put my computer in safe mode. After doing so, all that came up was white text on a black screen. I waited for a while, but nothing else came up. So, I turned off the computer. After turning it back on, the computer said "disk boot failure." It also instructed me to insert the system disk, but my computer never came with the Xp disk. It was already loaded on my computer. To alleviate this, I purchased a Windows Vista Upgrade disk, but it's not letting me load it since it's an upgrade. Please, help me. I am at my wit's end. Also, I am very computer illiterate, so in any instructions please be as basic as possible. Thank you.

Who plays better Defence...Monta Ellis or Candice Parker?

People who laugh at this question are idiots. It's Candice Parker. I don't think Monta Ellis actually plays defense.

Is Condi Rice a Booker T. Washington devotee?

Booker T. Washington taught the philosophy of self relieance, education and hard work. WEB DeBois taught the philosophy of confrontation. Is Jesse Jackson a WEB DeBois devotee? Is this division among blacks ever spoken of in groups, etc.?

Ghost. . . Tell me what you think?

That's uncanny, I almost think you were talking to me personally, unquestionably moving you are vary talented at poetry keep up the excellent work.

Do ANY of you know where Summer Wars is playing in Washington State?

look up all the theaters in your area call them or enter there websites thats what i do dude.. wanna watch it too.

Why are some girl's so slutty,if you are promiscuous please answer?

Thats kind of like saying, "hey who here is a dirtbag moron.?" No one responded to this because if they do that means that they consider themselves the embodiment of a derogatory name. WAIT, I responded to this. Now I'M a slut. Thanks a lot.

Lebanon: what is your favourite season in lebanon?

i deffinetly love lebanese summers! they are my favouriteeee! especially the beach parties with family and friends ah <3

What are some good books I can read over the summer?

Once I'm reading a book that I love I can't stop;I thirst for more! I love books such as The Chronicles of Narnia, The Harry Potter Collection, and the Twilight Saga. I guess I'm more of the fantasy, romance, fiction reader. So therefore, it would be great if someone can list a few good COLLECTIONS of book that are similar to the ones i listed above. And it would be great if it is a series or a collection also like the ones listed above..thank you.

Which cells undergo mitosis? Which undergo meiosis?

Which cells undergo mitosis? Which undergo meiosis? Why are there two types of cell division for cells?

Recommend a fiction book...?

The Triskelling trilogy by Will Peterson is pretty good. It might be a little young for you though. There's also The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins; an excellent read that I'd totally recommend. Some others are the Song of Ice and Fire saga by George R.R. Martin and the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Hope this helps!

Iwant to learn keyboard skills on the cheap any ideas,?

when u say keyboard i'm guessing u mean computer keyboard in which case any PC CD-ROM's that teach u how to touch type. I bought a one recently for �9.99 from a garden centre lol, how sad am i anyway try amazon for new and used teach ur self touch typing. And make sure u get a one that will be strict with you and keep u well disclipied lol so that u don't cheat by looking down at the keyboard. Trust me it works a treat. I still don't use both hands mind, but it does speed up ur overall typing.

How much energy is needed to support 39 kgs with a solenoid style electromagnet?

I suspend a cradle above the ground from the armature of an electromagnet, and energise it with 40.3 volts DC. I then insert the armature, closing the flux lines. The coil's resistance is 64.3 ohms. How many amps will it draw to support 39 kgs of dead weight? Please include the equations. Thanks.

What is worse (plus a BQ)?

I get it, Mel Ott wasn't a catcher. Ya, Joe Mauer is way better then Jorge, even though Jorge seems like a cool guy. They're too old so I have never seen them play, but I'm go with Mickey rane because I like his name.

What do you think about Mets Manager Willie Randolph firing?

It's stupid that the Mets think that the AAA coaching staff is so much better than the major league coaching staff and they think they can do any better by firing the MLB coaching staff and calling up the AAA coaching staff. And the firing came right after the Mets just won 2 out of 3 against one of the best teams in the AL and now they one another one against the Angels, another top notch team in the AL. Omar Minaya should be fired for blaming everything on Willie and firing him when Omar's the one who should've fixed everything up.

How much would it cost to get 240 inch reinforced concrete pipe/tubing?

I have not seen a 20 foot concrete tube or pipe but it will be really expensive if you find one. Hopefully you are speaking of length and not diameter. Most concrete pipe is in 5 or 10 foot sections.

I am having lots of trouble with becoming less stressed out in every day life....?

I suffer from depression and CAD (chronic anxiety disorder) and im on medication but nothing seems to help me relax and stay less stressed out. any advice???

I need to purchase 1 share, do you know which company charges the cheapest purchase fee?

I am planning to start inevsting on a DRIP and only need one stock. So far I have asked and the fee is around 29 cad. per transaction

SF movie where an alien is sent to skid row on earth. A rat is put in his soup and he eats it.?

in Aliens in the Attic (2009) a alien eats a rat a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is it illegal to spy on someone via internet?

Is it illegal for a husband to take apart his wife's laptop, run it to get all her pwords (windows, email, myspace, facebook), read all of her private email every other day for months or write a script on his home network so that any IMs she sends are pulled down so he can read them?

Duel Monsters - New Age Synchro Deck. Opinions, please?

the deck looks good. mabie a double summon could help out becuase u could tune monster fatser in2 like june warrior or wat ever

Before Obama leaves office will he pardon some father for a so called Honor killing?

How some of these question get through on yahoo answers is beyond me. Just by your question tells the type of person you are and who you would vote for. Get over it. He is president and next time ask a question not this mess that you asked to get some negative feed back to.

So richard & judy now coining it in, dont people relise yet these phone ins only line the celebs pockets?

not content with themselves trying to walk out a supermarket 10 years ago without paying for their shopping now they are in to pickpocketing! Lol

Why are Miley and the other Disney stars fading so fast?

Miley Cyrus already looks to be fading from the limelight as the tweens are now attracted to the more artists like Ke$ha and Katy Perry. Miley's share of the tween market is also being eaten away by newer, prettier Disney "princesses" like Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato (and they too are likely to wane very fast!). The Jonas Brothers have been virtually forgotten and made irrelevant by the likes of Justin Bieber. And who even remembers Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens and High School Musical now. The Disney stars who emerged in the past 5 years seem to have a very short shelf life!

Ronald Reagan? W? Clinton? Gork? Finally, SARAH PALIN?

I believe in the past we had leaders with well defined personalities who had real visions for the future. Oh, and, I believe a smattering of ethics,conscience, and intellect (21 books writen by Teddy Roosevelt-the same by Jimmy Carter). What happened?

Cheer Lyrics?

My 10 year old is going to have a talent show at school. Her and 2 of her friends would like to do a cheer for their school. I was wondering if anyone can give me a good cheer lyrics for 4th grade girls that would last about 2-3 min? The name of the school is Prairie Ele. and thier mascot is the bulldogs. They will be dancing to the song "Who let the dogs out". I am cheer illiterate so anythang tastful would help alot. Please no nasty, fowl or anything to mature. Thanks Alot. The try outs are friday so I would need something by thursday afternoon April 3rd.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it true when you keep farting it only means that there are stools in the body that you need to extricate?

No it means you have gas in your intestinal tract, a very common thing. Some people can fart at will!

Why does crysis warhead(pc game) keep shuting down my video drivers?

I was going to suggest updating the drivers but you already stated that you did this. An alternate solution could be lowering all of the video settings in the game. Your video card (in addition to the 1gb of ram) may not be enough to support the game at full quality as well as your high resolution monitor. Sorry if this is not what you were looking for. Best of luck!

Who else is pretty stoked about Manny Pacquiao beating Oscar de la Hoya's a ss??!!!?

it sucks.. i was counting on manny to win it.. but not this way.. i wanted it to last like on the 12th round.. or at least a decent tko.. not someone quitting.. but delahoya is just a dissapointment to the sport.. GO MANNY MABUHAY!! haha :D

How many millionaires do we have here in Politics? What are your party affiliations?

I am not like a super rich guy...nice but nothing crazy house; 4 br, 3 bath pool home of 2,800 sq ft., 2006 Ford Expedition, 1999 Ford Taurus, married with one 10 yo boy...2 dogs and a'm a software engineer making approx. $140k (including a ton of O/T)...anyway in sitting here reviewing/adjusting my 401k investment portfolio it just dawned on me that I am technically a millionaire (approx. $900K in my 401k and I easily have $200+K of home equity...i only owe about 140k and it'd would easily appraise above 400k)'s kinda funny cause I am a little short in the checking account to pay my monthly car bill on time this I am a grad of course, and a former U.S. Marine

My bestfriend is gay, But I have strong feelings for him, what do I do?

Last year, I became really close with my friend JC, Recently he told me he was 98% gay, And I like him alot, I'm completely in love with him. I was sure he liked me too.. Because sometimes he holds me close, and snuggles up to me. I'm 18. And I don't know what to do. He's 18 aswell, and I just.. wish I were a guy, or.. wish he wasn't gay. that he was.. straight, or bi. But. I don't wanna ruin our friendship. I really need help. He makes me happy when he's near, and I love that feeling. He never lies to me, and he always makes me feel loved. I really need help.. someone please help me. ;_;

I snuggle with my guy friend, but i don't want anything more. I just like snuggling. Is that wrong?

My guy friend and I are somewhat close, and last night we snuggled for about 2 hours. I was sitting on his lap, laying in arms, etc. Our relationship is kinda weird cause he's liked me a few times and each time i reject him. He's such a nice guy, but I have feeling for someone else, and I just don't want to ruin our friendship. The truth is, I really love snuggling with him and showing that sort of affection. I think he might take it the wrong way. Is it wrong that im doing this for my own satisfaction? This happens all the time, he knows we are just friends (i hope), but I somewhat feel for him. Is it bad that I snuggle with my guy friend and send him those signals but really enjoy it but don't want anything else?

What were the religious affiliations of the forefathers of the United States, the authors of the Constitution?

What were the religious backgrounds of the politicians who wrote the U. S. Constitution? Were they all Baptist, Protestant, Methodist, etc?

Can someone tell me what this says?

Yes, it is me. I was with her. I met you at a PT meeting last year, and we talked. She told me you hate Cind, and I think you are wrong, she is a nice young lady. She doesn't talk about you much, and Cindy is always welcome at my home.

Need help building a Dell Studio 15!?

If you plan on having your computer for more than a year, dont get a dell. The components will die a slow painful death right about the time your warranty expires. Just a head up.

How much is it from Northfields to Westbourne Park on the tube using an oyster card?

my friends and i are going to the notting hill carnival but i need to know how much it will cost on oyster as you have to change at hammersmith does that mean you will be charged for 2 journeys even tho hammersmith H&C line and pic/district line are cled as the same station. if anyone knows please let me know!

Wildfire question?

My answer isn't exactly relevent, however.. I think this needs to be discussed. Wildfire started out GREAT ! It was about horses, and a wonderful show. And then it turned into a run-of-the-mill love story, with all the predictable twists and turns of a drama. Why can't a producer/director keep an equine-related show for teenagers/adults going strong ? Wildfire bugs me for that reason.

Do hermit NEED salt water?

i know they need distilled water. so i am 100% sure i can give them that with no problem. but salt water in my location is kinda expensive for like 1 bottle. i know there is a mixture you can add to water to make it fine for hermit , but are those any good. Because they are like 20 dollars and i don't want to spend my money on that. so i was wondering, will they die if i just give them bottled water?


i m 29 m from Bangladesh, i want a gf but not in citizen in Bangladeshi.i mean girl but not bangladeshi. hw can i achieve her.

In Statistic's...........?

What is a subset of data points or subjects within a larger population, often used for statistical ysis.

Looking for Hugh Laurie Fans?

I never see anything about Hugh Laurie -- my fantasy guy. Anyone know anything juicy about him, or have you ever seen him? He's never in the gossip magazines.

Why do students post their homework in "Philosophy" & "History"?

Those who are in a "hurry" for an answer are lazy procrastinators and need to fail because their failure to prepare does not constitute an emergency on my part.

Does fillings on the teeth hurt at the dentist?

The dentist told me taht she found 12 cavities and i nee dfillings or what ever. I am pretty sure theyll give me a shot to get numb but does it hurt?


blue/greenish/black free people and flowery babydoll top, because it sets off a nice contrast and it would be unique.

Bonus disability and child december?

just a bit confused abut this bonus i get in december.....ive been on disability support pension for over a year, ( i have multiple schelrosis ) i also have 3 children under 12. Can someone help me please as i have been hearing stories every were all i want is how much ill be getting all up so i can takecmy kids on there dream holiday......thanks so much for your help...

Do you think this priest was right to remove Playboy products placed alongside children's stationary?

I think he was quite right. Love the line about 'institutional grooming' as it's right on the money!

Should I get Windows 7?

I would not change from XP until it's time to buy a new computer. No matter what, DO NOT buy Vista, a real beast filled with bugs--in short, it was a disaster. Microsoft has a history of getting every other version of Windows right, and vice versa for the in-between versions. Win 7 has received good reviews and good acceptance, but don't change for the sake of changing. Don't worry about Microsoft not supporting XP --How many times have you called Microsoft with a technical question pertaining to XP? Also if you change to Vista, a lot of your existing software may not work. XP is a good stable system, stick with it.

What swear words can i say in q/a's?

Keep it clean. There are still a few of us who get offended with swear words. You really don't need them unless you are quoting someone else. Then use the *** key. We all understand it without it being written down.

I don't understand my feelings for this guy...?

I had a f u c k buddy for about two months. We worked at the same job, and we always flirted a lot. after we started having , he'd talk to me less and less to the point where we would ignore each other basically. I always had feelings for him, but never expressed it since I tried to remind myself what I got into, but when he went home with another girl one night,it crushed me. I was basically a call and I knew that. He'd open up to me at times, but I didnt think much of it- again because we were having mindless , becAuse I'd be moving soon. The last time we met, he just wanted to talk after we had , and he tAlked about a lot in his life, but I couldn't open up to him. It was weird, and I just told him I wanted to sleep with him, after listening to him for an hour which turned out to be the best ever. And I guess that's when I got fully attached... Because on my last day I told him I liked him alot and he never responded. Once again, I wascrushed. I never really told a guy how I felt before, I've always been weary of it... But I do wish I'd try to have a relationship As well, I'm more of arelAtionship girl despite this. Now everytime I see him on Facebook or anything it just makes me have erflies And I wNt to puke at the same time. it got so bad to the point where I had to just delete him so I could stop torturing myself over this. Do you think my feelings are confused? Or mixed? Or what? Please help me understand my feelings.

What are the chances of aliens from other planets coming to earth to exploit us?

I say ZERO chances as well, i dont know where these scientist come up with their ideas about aliens taking over, this is not a movie, i wonder about those mind freak weirdos, making stuff up. No alien if they existed would want earths resources or the planet it self, why take over a dieing planet?

I am looking for something to hang above my fireplace for christmas....?

It needs to be approximately 3' x 1' will go above a winter wonderland scene on my needs to be more Thomas Kincaid type stuff and no primitive.... ANY suggestions???? Thanks!

Who would you vote for to be a role model for women?

I really wouldnt choose any of those women to be role models for my daughter. All of them are either sleazy politicians or cheesy celebrities. The best role model for a young girl is a good mother.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is this proof that socialism doesn't work?

Yep, that is more proof. Not that any more proof was needed, but thanks for another nail in the coffin of socialism. It just brings the rich down to the level of the poor, and doesn't raise anyones standard of living. The government then becomes the elite with all the power, and they never produce anything worth having.

How do i set up a wireless router to my laptop?

So, I just bought a wireless-g adapter and the instructions are not helping me out at all. I have a laptop I am trying to get internet access on, and our home computer is a dsl cable modem. I am doing my best to follow everything its telling me to, but I cannot figure out how to get it synched up! Its difficult when no one in my household can help me, they are even more computer illiterate then I am. Advice anyone?! Did I even buy the right type of adapter?

Rate my youtube video? [ 20 characters ]?

Try singing in an enclosed space (bathroom), and plug one or both of your ears (one if you need to really hear the music). Helps me. not bad.

Phones and 11 and 9 yr olds, does your kid have one and how do you manage? ?

Most of my friends and me don't have phones until we were about 14 and 15 even though I was planning to get one at 18 but couldn't resist. But when I first got my phone at 14 I didn't really use it because there are nothing to catch up on if it was a school day because we are going to see them 5 times a week anyway. During the weekends, break, or holidays we would usually use them just to contact each other just to plan a day out. I guess a lot of young children would have one nowadays because they see others having them and go under the influence.

Why do i feel sad? what can i do to feel better?

If people are stupid enough to believe stories then you shouldn't waste any time on them.They have nothing better to do with their lives than talk about your boyfriend.Don't let them get to you as this is exactly what she wants,next time you see someone who believes this story well go and say hi and if they mention it then laugh and say 'what a great imagination that girl has" :) Don'y give them the power to make you feel bad. Have fun with your boyfriend.

10 pints, do you agree that this quote sums up gay marriage perfectly ?

I think it perfectly sums up the views of a narrow minded, bigoted, bible t, right wing fool who has no concept of what this nation was founded on to begin with. That's what I think of your Pat Buchanan. MARRIAGE and FAMILY are based on LOVE whether it be between the opposite or not. It's not about values it's about human rights.

Advice on starting finger foods (long sorry)?

Try giving him bigger chunks of food about the size of his palm but not big enough to put the whole piece in his mouth. Things like half a banana, steamed florets of broccoli/cauliflower, steamed carrot sticks, roast vegies (potato, sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin), chunks of shredded meat like slow cooked roast beef or slices of chicken. If the chunks are bigger then he will have to gnaw at the pieces instead of putting the whole piece in his mouth.

What high tensile alloy would a punch for high speed stainless steel perforation be made of?

There is really not enough info on the application. The punch could be made of A2 for thin stuff, A D series would work but would be more expensive. There are other tool and die steels that will work for hot work applications (T grades).

We have a viessman combi gas boiler 100k 24kw and cant get the hot water to heat what have we done wrong?

bought a viessman secondhand but it has never been used. we needed to get the valves for it and a couple of other things like the flue, we then had it fitted by a boiler fitter, but he cant get the combi to work so as we get hot water,he says he may hav put the pipeing the wrong way.........we have heat in the rads but no hot water help...........

I ovulated on the 17th of April on cd 12 i had on cd 8,9,11,13 what are my chances of getting pregnant?

this was my first cycle using an opk. also can some one tell how many days am i dpo. because i am confused.also i am having alot of cramping. i never have cramps even with aunt flo. i am also having pain on the ovary where i ovulated from. lil bit of nausea. very moody. lightheaded, dizzy, and extremely tired all the time the only thing there is no sore bb's. every once in a while a little sharp shooting pain. i took a prenancy test on cd 16,17,18,19,20,21,22 all negative go figure temputare spike on cd 20. extreme cramping from then on until now. this is not my first pregnancy i have 5 other children ages 24,21,18,17,16, had an blighted ovam last year so really hoping that this is the one. you you guys help.

What would u call a person who is over the age of 18 and nvr bn kissed or had a girlfriend?

hes never had a girlfriend or bn kissed and would do absolutely anything and change anything to be with any girl that would just be there to comfort him..wat kind of person would you say they are?

How do u make games?

how do u make free games lke the little ones like they hav on miniclip addictinggames maxgames and all that stuff 10 points for best answer

What would cause Ignition of Oils to conbust in washing machines?

There's enough water to douse a fire. Wait, wait I've seen volcanic eruptions under water but still an oil fire in a washing machine - weird, ironic

What does my dream mean?

ok last night i dreamed about a spaceship taking off, when it took off, all this grey dark smoke came out of it. there smoke was alot that it even came toward my direction. after the smoke disapeared i looked at the sky and i see the spaceship flying. all of a sudden the sky turned into a dark night. then in the middle of the sky i saw the earth rotating and the spaceship orbiting around it. what is this dream trying to tell me or what does it mean? thanks!

Is the concept of Hell a little bit like the "Saw" movies?

It's as if you need to figure out how to escape from a trap (the possibility of going to Hell) during your lifetime, and the clock is steadily ticking. If your life ends while you are not yet saved, you go to Hell. This is somewhat akin to the Saw film series.

Im really confused!!..?

It's fun to crush on someone at your age.My answer would have to be wait because there's way too much drama when it comes to a relationship,I'd wait.

What happened to Mel Gibson ? Love his movies, but in reality he seems a troubled man?

His has a problem with alcohol. And he obviously is an angry drunk. It is a shame because he is a great filmmaker and there aren't many out there.

What's wrong with being cynical?

There's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of cynicism. It's only when you question and second guess every single thing that it becomes wrong, and make the person incredibly annoying to be around

Who is a hero in history or literature who willingly gave credit for their accomplishments to someone else?

The authors of the King James Bible. All the credit when to King James. He just ordered that a Bible be produced in English.

How does a single individual being wealthy...?

The purpose of cutting taxes to the wealthy is to stimulate the economy through job creation. Known as the "trickle-down" theory, the government cuts taxes for the top percentage of income-makers (such as the top 2% for example, which is what President Bush believed would work) in order for their enterprise to have more money for further expansion which would result in more jobs. For example, if Donald Trump's taxes are cut for a fiscal year, theoretically, he would have thousands of more dollars to open up more hotels or Business ect., that in turn results in more jobs (lowering the unemployment rate and stregthening the economy). Of course, this is only a theory. Taking President Bush's tax brakes as an example, the government does not require anything get down with the money "saved" from tax brakes. In conjunction with the Trump example, Donald would not be required to open a new hotel or business, he could use that money saved anyway he wanted. The "trickle-down" theory for tax cuts in an outstanding way to stimulate the economy and relieve national debt. However, like another theory, how it is employed and regulated will produce the results.


Dude that's creepy You have a hand if you want it that bad or you can get a in your pocket or you could maybe fix what ever the hell is wrong with you!!!!!! and find a girl it isnt all about it's about a relationship if happens good if not then oh while and maybe you can start fixing yourself by not saying chi wa wa

What would be a good trade to get a high end running back, as in who should i try to trade?

Id probably trade Holt, Lewis or Thomas. I was a huge believer of Thomas going into this season but with Bell playing so good the last few weeks, id probably trade him. With Bell and Bush, he isnt going to be reliable starter.

ANIMAL SHELTER MEDIA NEWS: Did your TV Station report Shelter News Recently?

Sweetie, in my area our local television stations anchor persons are ALL animal activists. If there is a story to be told they are on it. Last week channel 13's Cynthia Smoot took a walk through our local animal shelter making a point to inform people of all the mixes.........the word 'back yard breeding' is in her vocabulary and she uses it.

How do I get rid of shyness ive had all my life?

All my friends make fun of me bc I'm EXTREmLEY EXTREmLEY shy when I'm around good looking women, and all my friends think I'm really really good lookIng n that I look like zac Efron but I feel like my shyness is ruining my true potential to get women I want I mean I get girls but not as many as I should based on my looks, how do I change this, my friend recomended I take 1 or 2 Xanax before I go out every night and I should be good what u think

Why are these financial companys getting bailed out, if your out of money your out of Business right?

what im trying to get at is like imagine a small business owner, right now their taxes are going to bail out irresponsible financial companys, what happens if his/her business has no money, THEY GO OUT OF BUSINESS, why isnt it they same, yea it would suck for the people who use that company but if any money is going to be gived away why not to the people who need bailing out from a company that took their money and some how lost it

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Photographers, have you had any experiences selling photos on stock photo sites?

I am thinking of signing up with some stock photo sites to earn some extra cash. Anyone got any good tips? Good sites? Good or Bad experiences? Thanks in anticipation.

Is this how the female gender is perceived?

Blessings...... This is some very funny stuff, although i believe is how you take care of your self and of course your P.part LOL. I 'm Germany and still kicking and i know so and yes hope is all we need to take care of any thing. Even what they think of us female. What a life.

Does anyone know anything about music?????

I know a lot about music but I dont know that maybe just maybe you could find it on youtube. I doubt it though.

Questions About George. W. Bush?

I love how no one seems to be capable of answering these questions. I'm curious to know the answers. Especially to question number 2.

Have you already started your christams shopping?

I feel like this year with the economy in the crapper stores are putting out christamas/holiday items and bringing out top toy lists and amping the anticipation for the whole season even MORE then they have already been. With all of this will it make you atrt shopping earlier/later/as you usually do? Even this morning I saw a KMart add on TV for a woman going xmas shopping at fall time and then advertising for Lay-away so she could get it all by xmas. I am 22 and I dont think in my entire life that I can remember a store using lay-away as an advertising technique. And as much as I hate all of the merchantilism and over zealousness of it all I cant help myself but to jump on the bandwagon. I know it's terrible and soo rediculous being as it is still a week from Halloween but I love the whole Holiday season that I get hooked. Anyone else?

More on my other, shall i tell them about it?

My two mates made a pact that they wouldnt do anything till they were 16, but i found out one of them has done stuff and she hasnt told the other one, who hasnt done anything.... shall i tell her?

I am almost eight months pregnant n mytummy is red and unbearable itchy?

feels rough and now it is looks as though it is scared with little cuts....doc gave me a medicated powder but it made my belly dry and cause the skin to crack an d it is so itchy. is ther any thing i can do to comfort my skin the palmers coco er does not work

Isn't the Bush administration, more like a Dictatorship?

With the telephone taps, firing of members that don't agree with policies, investigating rivals, starting wars for thier own finacial gain and not hiring democrats and liberals(which is illegal) as well as using scare tactics for political purposes, isn't that more like a dictatorship.

How many animals are there in the world?

i have already got dogs, cats, horses, fish, eagles, giraffe, elephant, zebra, cheetah, tigers, puma and apes! plz HELP!!

Is there any woman out there that is suffering from menopause and has found something natural that works..?

I have been suffering for the last few years from occasional depression, severe insomnia, headaches and severe fatigue. I had a early partial hysterectomy at the age of 33 and now at 43 life is very difficult. I work out at the gym four days a week and feel good during those times; although at times I struggle for energy, but I have more bad days than good. if anyone knows of something that has helped them please let me know. I heard that on Dr. Phil that introduced a natural product for hormone replacement, but the cost was a considerable amount. Thanks K

I am the commissioner for our fantasy league. And I'm asking for your opinion on how to handle a problem.?

The regular season for fantasy football is about to come to an end. It is extremely competitive in my league since there are 4 teams that have the same exact records with only 2 spots left in the playoffs. There was one matchup that jumped out at me and that was between the #2 seed and one of the 4 teams fighting for a playoff spot. The #2 seed has already clinched a playoff spot and the worst seeding he will get is 3rd even if he loses the remainder of his games. I believe that the #2 seed is throwing the game for the lower seed team so he gets a better chance to get in the playoffs. The #2 seed is benching RB Chris Johnson, WR Reggie Wayne, David Akers, Cowboys D vs. Oak, WR Greg Jennings. In favor for Rashard Mendenhall, Matt Prater, Steve Smith (Car), Saints D vs. Pats, and Steve Smith (NYG). Is this a blatant attempt to help a friend? Because in my opinion There is no way you can bench Chris Johnson and Reggie Wayne against any team. And the Cowboys D is a much more favorable matchup than the Saints D against the Pats. And the players benched this week were all starting last week (except the saints D). As the Commish, should i step in and do something about this?

Is there a way to meet girls if im REALLY DULL?

Sorry buddy but it doesnt sound like you have much to offer. If you are looking for someone to basically take up space with you, which is what it sounds like, you are out of luck. Relationships take work and commitment. These are things that you admittedly dont want to do. Spend some time making yourself more interesting and then people will be interested in knowing you. Until that happens, have fun with your current situation.

Is it possible for aperson to be allergic to Red ear slider turtles?

My father and law keeps on making companints that its my turtles that making everyone sick in the house...I caught bronchitis but i dnt BELIEVE its from the turtles and yet he says hes very allergic to them...first he kept on saying that he hated the water splashing from the filter and i fixed that and from there it moved to the actual tutles and he wanted them out. Is he making up exuses because he simply wants everything his way? Or does he actualy have reason to complain because when I fix one thing he complains about the other and guess what...he smokes and he believes turtle pee is worse.

How many football matches have you been to in your life?

I couldnt even count the amount ive been to, i have been a season ticket holder at Celtic for 12yrs and ive been to many away games at home and in Europe, so hundreds

Is there a specific name for the eyeliner you can twist?

self sharpening eyeliner, most brands have it from MAC to AVON, just make sure you twist it down after you finish using it or it may flatten your tip when you put the cap on.

Which one will help get rid of chicken skin or help with chicken skin??

i have the same thing this is what i do for Keratosis Pilaris, you can , lighten them up to match your skin tone using papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are available online. These work wonders. Maybe it will work on you too. Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'

Could i site model???

Sweetie you are not pretty... you are GORGEOUS! i think you would make an amazing site model. btw your not chubby and please don't lose weight you really don't need to. i don't think height is much of a problem because some site models i know are short, and your not short anyway. keep up your dream, and sign up for modeling agencies, i will be expecting to see you sometime :)

Should i accept this trade? Peyton Manning for Reggie Wayne and Tony Romo?

my WR's are Calvin Johnson , Mike-Sims Walker, Santonio Holmes and Kenny Britt so i kind of want to do it so i can have 2 elite wideouts and a good qb. do you think i should take it?

If Warren Buffet doesn't think he is paying enough in taxes why doesn't he do this?

Well he donated a lot of his money to charity, but if he's saying he's not paying enough in taxes then it sounds like he disagrees with the administration on a lot of things and maybe doesn't want to directly finance the war or whatever.

Don't read if u haven't seen THE DARK KNIGHT?

i just saw the dark knight today and it was good. but i have been hearing two-face was supposed to be ther main villian in the 3rd movie but he die in this one shortly after he appeared cuz when he became 2face he got of the hospital he was at and threatened to kill commisioner gordons family but batman stepped in and tackled 2face out of the buildoing and onto the ground killing 2face but if 2face was supposed to be the 3rd movies villian how can they do that with him dead unless they use scarecrow and joker again(if they use joker i know they have to get someone else to play him with heath ledger being dead) but what else can they do if their villian for the 3rd movie is already dead.

Is an HSG (dye) test necessary to check cervix?

I am in my early 30s, went to an RE doctor to get IUI. I've never tried to get pregnant, so I don't think I am infertile or have fertility problems (bugs me that they list that in my paperwork just because I want to get pregnant with donor sperm). I have to pay for EVERYTHING in cash out of my pocket. You'd think it'd cost a few hundred or a thousand just to have the doctor shoot up the sperm, but it's coming to $5,000 with all the tests - one lab test after another and all the ultrasounds at over $300 a pop and now I am dreading having to have an xray done on my reproductive organs and have radioactive dyes injected to check them out. It scares me to touch them when I have no known medical problems and the cost on top of it. Can't he just try to impregnate me and if it doesn't work then go into all this? Or is it no big deal and everyone gets it done (remember I don't have insurance so if it was free maybe I wouldn't be stressing as much but still uneasy about the whole thing putting dyes in there, maybe that's what causes infertility considering women who just have at a young age can get pregnant but if you go to get treatment and they poke and prod and put the chemicals in it takes a long time). Thoughts?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is it possible to know the reg num of 12th std student?

I have a friend who is doing his 12th from chennai, stateboard.. I asked him for his reg num, but he refused to give it.. Now i wanna know his num.. Is it possible to know his num by anyways just by using his name and school?? If S, how!! Please help! thanks!

Whats the best megadeth albums in order?

Peace sells,rust in peace,united abominations,youthanaisia,countdown,endg… is my biz,cryptic,system,so far,risk,hero btw hero destroys sh&t magnetic

Honestly: Would you really continue with your current job if you don't need the money (eg. won huge big lotto)

I think most people would quit their job. I also think most people who win the lottery are unhappy. We need stuff to do. I think I would travel a lot, but I'm not sure if that would get old. I love the stress of my teaching job. Without it, I feel dull and useless.

During a intimate moment she had spoken sweetwhispers but spoke it so softly i could not hear her to well?

she spoke it soo softly i could'nt hear to well cause hearing is not all that well i had pardon myself but did'nt get reply i'm sorry i missed the moment but it bothers me to know what was said.should i reask or leave it alone

Why would a single man begin a friendship with an attractive married woman he just met?

Sometimes people CAN be friends; and not every single thing people do has to have some evil, horrible nefarious purpose.

Fitness what to do !?

basically im slim but wnat to gain a bit of wieght so i can bust up my size and want to loose my thigh weight and feel fit and firm. my bf was sayin he likes woman to have big juicy bums tho, so i want to keep wieght on that. but want to keep fit aswell, what should i do. please help x

What do tetra fish eggs look like?

Hi. I have tetra fish in a 10 gallon fish tank. Early this morning I checked my fish and discovered something fishy. On one of my fake plants that decroates the tank, I found this white, almost clear gel looking like thing. There are two little dots or something. I can't tell what it is. Is it tetra fish eggs? What do they look like? What do I do? Thanks!

Will Liverpool end up like Leeds United?

as much as i hate to admit this i think they will. they keep on offloading quality players go and they don't buy any od the players that have the same quality as them, to name a few alonso, robern, mascharana hack the list goes on and on, so yes i think they will but they can avoid that only and only if they buy good players.

Ramadan: Muslims, why?

Pakistanis are exposed to 24 hours of bashing of the west, and especially since there is a ''war against Islam" going on in neighboring Afghanistan there's a lot of hate here for the US, Israel or you can say the entire west so when a few fools try to wage jihad against (since this is what the imam's in the mosque are asking the people here to do) the west I don't see why anyone should be surprised by their actions.

Christians go by the bible, muslims - qu'ran, Judaism-the torah.what about the..?

Christians go by the holy bible, for mulsims its the qu'ran, Judaism is the torah, what about the hindus and buddhist?

Is this a good yugioh deck.And some advice on makeing it better(pt 1 of 2).?

umm i dont see pyramid of light and the other sphinx besides andro to summond great sphinx so...ya need to add that...ummm.......kajezin or something,i think u should add the other 2 monster and gate guardian so it would be good,and the x -head cannon,i think it would be useless if you dont have the other 2 and the fusion, i saw u have lvl 3-7 armed dragon so i sugest u get another level up to help it...and i cant list more but these would help...these are my opinions so dont get mad..

How long will I be in the Air Force DEP before I find out my ship date?

It also depends on your recruiter and wether or not he/she drags their feet on it. I joined the Air Force back in Dec 03 and i signed up on Nov 03. You can also request to leave as soon as possible! One lesson I have learned while being in the Air Force is you are the only one who will make your career! Always push forward.

My pug barks at a vase i have on the fireplace mantel, does anybody know why?

There are lots of reasons a dog might fixate on something like that. First make sure it is the vase, by moving it to a different location and seeing if you get the same reaction. Then try letting her investigate the vase by holding it where she can sniff it all over. If it still freaks her out, try giving her treats next to the vase until she builds a positive ociation with it. You could even store some treats in it so that every time you go over to the vase you pull out a yummy treat. That could make a dog very fond of a vase.

Is this a cool design idea for a baby girl's room? (I didn't know what category to put this in)?

Congratulations on your triplets!! I have twin girls and I've painted their walls a tropical green and their furniture is mostly white. I have put erflies all over the walls and I have fairy pictures on the walls and glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. In my 5 year old son's room I have under the sea curtains which are quite vibrant but he also likes the Disney Cars movie so I'm now getting him a doona cover and accessories in that theme as well.

President Nixon in hell?

i am doing a report on Dante's Inferno and we need to pick people from the 20th Century who would be placed in the inferno. Any idea which level President Nixon would go under...

Wat sort of animal would suit my bubbly friendly personality loves walkin but not to active and is small?

they cant be 2 small loves people but dosnt love them to death loves to be in shows and can be trained....... users?

has any one used good prices, free shipping yet don't know anything about them? will i get a valid warranty? will the items arrive on time? i am wary as they seem like a new startup and with such great prices, I am very much tempted in buying from them..

Is my laptop too crappy to play 720p anime files?

Although you can do a few maintenance tasks such as cleaning the registry, defragmenting the drive and uninstalling unused software, as you say you can't get around the fact that you have a very old laptop. More memory would help but replacing the whole machine would work far better.

Matthew 24:11, Increased lawlessness accompanied by a cooling off?

We live in critical times hard to deal with the bible says in Timothy. Yes, we do hear about all these bad things on a daily basis. Plus movies and shows are so violent we are being desensitized.

Why did system requirements lab fail my video card?

Your video Go 6150 ranks in the 900's in benchmark scores (lower is better). the FX 5900 ranks in the 400's the ATI 9500 also ranks in the 400's The "Go" GPU is not up to the task, the "FX" is. just because the number seem higher (6150 vs. 5900) doesn't mean its better...the bench marks prove that out.

If the world had been in peril when Siddhartha Gautama was alive could he have gone in a different direction?

In his position as a prince, if the world was in imminent peril, do you think that he would have done all he could to save humanity from harm, become king, etc, rather than focus on the path of enlightenment and becoming Buddha, which could be done later? Kinda like the bodhisattva choosing to save everyone before oneself.

What do you pledge to do to personally conserve energy and stop oil addiction?

It's a known fact that we can't keep using oil at the current rate. Our addiction to oil is costing lives and destroying our way of life. It is not only a problem for our environment but our onging livelihoods and national security. What do you pledge to do to personally conserve energy and become part of the solution rather than the problem?

ADT corrupt?

Their parent company is Tyco...hello!!!!!! I worked for them for almost a year as a customer service specialist in a local office...all the sales managers, sales reps and installers are horribly corrupt (well not all just about 10% of an office of 100 were ok) they falsify contracts, they close out jobs prebilling customers in order to hit their month end quotas (managers make bonuses) therefore your system is not installed yet but you are billed some times multiple times. They make it out like a once in a while fluke when it happens to them but it happens to many really is purposely done to hit quotas and then fixed after and then done the next month and so on so it just rotates...isn't that unfair to stockholders to have a false financial forecast given???? I did not buy company stock although I could federal guidelines do not seem to work since most offices audit themselves...I for one will choose brinks for my alarm...anyone have good or bad experiences?

Do you think C. Thomas Howell is irreplacable as Ponyboy Curtis?

I think so.I hope many of you have seen the movie "The Outsiders".According to me,nobody can be a better Ponyboy than C. Thomas Howell.The way he looked.The way he acted.Everything was so perfect.As if he brought Ponyboy to life straight out of the book.Although I'm not a C. Thomas fan,I can't imagine anybody else playing Ponyboy Curtis.Amazing casting.What do you think?

Review this death scene?

Are you familiar with the term "Show not Tell"? You Tell us everything above. Stop explaining everything, you are over-writing.

How is the weather right now in Bangkok, Phuket, Phi Phi and Ko Samui...?

The temperature is same as always, about 30 degrees C. In this time of the year, it is always raining. Swimming in the sea is prohibited. There might be some sunny days that you can enjoy during your trip. However, during the rainy season, you can enjoy the real Thai life with nature!!!

Modern Warfare 2 trailer?

yes but it wont be for a little while the release date is {for the trailer} is augest 10 2009 so it will be a while.

Are you a right brained poet, or the left...see details.?

My occasional mood decides on this. I usually test the other people's brain with some verses, just to make them think a little more, instead to only feel. And some react almost spasmodically, in verbal oddities, just because they are scared that someone will challenge them. People prefer what Berthelot's Law states: "A dynamic system (as the human brain is) prefers the condition of equilibrium that will emit the lesser possible energy". They want simple things, safe things. "A chicken flew, a chicken grew, a rooster flows, a rooster bows!" If I post of this, I will receive 10-15 stars. With my hard as nails, emotional, philosophical poetry I receive hesitant remarks. I use whichever part of my brain I want. I am a master of evenness and oddities. I play with minds on a benevolent basis. I am a philosopher and a poet! I am a "maggas" of a man. Do you remember the word?

Which WR would you start?

Galloway. No way will Atlanta's O control the ball like they did last week against Detroit, and that means their D will be spending a lot more time on the field. On top of that, with Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison to throw to, Gonzalez won't see the number of looks Galloway will.

I dont know why my hair isnt straightening?

i use the chi. my hair looks staright when i first do it which is like 5 in the morning then when i get to school it looks like crap..? ugh i dont know what to do with my ****** hair. can someone give me suggestions or a good youtube video?

Does my figure look kind of round?

You look perfectly cute to me. You might be considered a little pudgy, but I think you look great :3

What are my chances of getting disability benefits due to an anxiety disorder, depression and moderate IBS?

you should ask your primary care doctor about this because he would be the one to give you a diagnosis and fill out papers for EDD if your case is eligible for disablility. you've first got to go through him.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Where can i get a halloween costume like one of these?

Make it. Making your costume is always the best answer. It always comes out really unique and much cheaper. That way it's just what you want. Buying it doesn't insure that it will fit all of your requirements.

What should I put on my computer for virus protection?

My new laptop came with Mcaffee, and it keeps saying that my subscription is expired and it takes me to the website where I have to pay for it. Should I do this, or is there a free one? Also, what about spyware? I am really computer illiterate, so please dont use the computer jargon! Thanks!

Ares is illegal and you are being warned, I wish I had?

Just letting EVERYBODY know that downloading from ARES will get you a letter from your internet provider. They really check this out.!!!! Be warned, I wish I had.

Can i hypnotise you ? read on?

Rub the palms of your hands together for 3 min very fast.. now interlock fingers and squeeze tight very tight for 2 min... close eyes and and imagine you have super glue on hands and its setting... keep squeezin. Now part hands very slowly and ???????

Blackjack II????????

Would you reccomend this phone for a 12 year old thats VERY responsible??? I really like the pink one a lot, and do you have one tell me EVERYTHING about it and i mean everything pros and cons

Am i still attractive?

You look very attractive by your picture. Things fade of time, you take food out of the oven and in time, it will cool off. Every women I have ever been with, things have cooled off after that initial hot period. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you or isn't attracted to you, but he is familiar with you, the novelty is gone. You have to find ways to change that. If you eat McDonalds every night for dinner, eventually you will want Taco Bell, not because you don't like McDonalds, but because you have had it too much. That isn't intended to sound crude or mean, I am saying that he isn't going to get as excited as he once did because you are familar. However, you can change the menu a bit and keep his interest there. With that said, he has a responsibility in this too, it isn't a one-way street, he should be doing the same with you.

My network utilization...?

Alright so I just started windows task manager and I went into networking and found my netowork utilization is 0.19% of 100mbps...... it always runs at 100mbps but why am i only getting 0.19% network util??!!!

I've been really insecure lately because of how many people hate the Lebanese.?

honestly it doesn't matter your race to me. you are a person and if u have a great personality people shouldn't discriminate. well unfortunately, the world isn't like this so we juss have to cope. ppl will always hate. You just have to believe in yourself and have self worth

Apartment help please?

I was going to suggest a space heater, but I think they cost around 30-50 dollars. Maybe check the vent in your bedroom, clean the dust off of it. Im not sure if this would work but maybe if you closed the other vents around your apt. the air flow would be pushed towards your bedroom.

Questions about marine corps training and college?

I am joining the marine corps as i reservist. since i couldnt leave in time for the 92 day reserve program i will be doing all my training at once and starting in the spring. what exactly will happen when i finish boot camp. MOS school, MCT or what? and how long will it take? do i get to come home in between? my recruiter hasnt informed me very much. also what is the differences between starting college in the spring rather than the fall? and my recruit mentioned something about getting college credit while in training?

Laundry cycle question?

My quilt says to wash it cold on the gentle cycle. My machine doesn't have an option for "gentle cycle" but it does have an option for delicates. Should I wash it in the delicate cycle, or just the "normal" cycle? There is also an option for High, Medium, and low

What's a good and cheap pillow/quilt stuffing alternative?

Believe it or not, my granny used to recycle panty hose as pillow stuffing. She would shred them up and stuff them in pillows. LOL I just don't wear enough panty hose in a year to fill a pillow though.

Math help having trouble?


Strange claim at Law offices of Palmer Reifler & ociates: Identity Thief --> Credit Card Fraud?

The first thing you should do is get a copy of your credit report and see if this is on it. If it isn't - it is likely a scam.

What exactly did proposition 8 propose?

I know it sounds stupid but I've heard a lot on it and I live in the middle of nowhere and I don't have a tv to watch the news so what is up with it

What is the current status of 'SWINE FLU'.Why no new reports have been heard.?

When the proliferation of swine flu was at it peak,news papers used to show the latest number of people who died of it.They also showed about the precautions taken by airports,hospitals,educational institutions & ministry of health.I thought that the world was finished.Suddenly every thing died down.It seems that the news papers now treat swine flu as if such an incident has not occured.We are curious to know about the current status of swine flu.Where did the virus go.Was the steps taken by govt authorities efficient in checking the malady.

Why aren't my radiators upstairs heating up fully?

You didn't say if your system is a pressurised one? If it is then bring the pressure to 1.2bar. If not check your heating tank to see if it has water in it? Other then this remove the vent from the rad and push a pin in to clear the hole as sometimes they can be blocked.

If you could get a new name?

what would you name your self? for some reason this got reported last time, so lets keep it clean! i am very Curious! I would rename myself Jessica, Jess or jessie for short! I've loved the name forever!!

I don't know what else to do!!!?

Rocking your baby to sleep is a HUGE mistake. I learned that the hard way with my oldest son. He insisted on being rocked to sleep until he was 2! In her mind she fell asleep in your arms and is probably very upset when she wakes up in her bed. I suggest teaching her to fall asleep on her own. It will be a huge pain at first but SO worth it in the long run. I give my son a bath and turn the lights down low and give him his last bottle for the day. I will sing him a few soothing songs then I lay him down in bed awake, but tired and relaxed. Usually he goes right to sleep but sometimes he will toss and turn for 10 minutes or so. If he does cry I will rub his back and sing to him again. But I do NOT pick him up unless he gets hysterical. Even then I just do our routine over... hold him and sing a few soothing songs then back to bed awake. I did everything different with my younger son and we have both slept SOOO much better this time around. But my main advice is to stop rocking her to sleep. It will just get worse and worse. Good luck!

Why do so many Christians attack Fred Phelps or Harold Camping?

I can see what you're saying. Both just have their own interpretations of the Bible, but religions scoff at them. Do I think they're right? HA, no, I'm one of the ones who thinks they're deluded, but they do bring support from their ancient book for everything... Many Christians just don't want people to see what they are really supposed to be doing, so of course they'll attack Phelps and Camping.

Do you think my puppy sick?

Give him a little bit of bread to "cushion" the tummy and wait and see. A vet won't be able to do much at this point. If it were to need surgery there will be signs of sickness...painful, blood in stools and/or vomiting. I am sure it will fine, just have to put everything out of reach from puppies! :) Good luck.

Anti Breaking System light always on?

i have a 1993 honda prelude si and the ABS light is always on. is that dangerous? i live in minnesota so i want to know if its necessary or not because i would like to have it fixed before winter. also when its raining i hydroplane very easily at highway speeds could this be a cause of it?

Which laws should we observe?

I think most preachers don't preach on these obscure "laws", because they simply aren't relevant to today's life. Who wears wool and linen mixed clothes anyway? And what farmer mixes all the seeds together before sowing? If modern men don't even wear beards, how is the prohibition against beard trimming worth the preaching time?

Teens:What is your favorite movie(s) of 2009?

I personally enjoyed Bandslam a lot more than I though I would, it was a lot smarter than the trailers made it out to be.

Who played the ADULT Lucy in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & The Wardrobe"?

Rachael Henley did. While Georgie Henley starred as Lucy Pevensie for most of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, for the shorter epilogue section set some fifteen years later, Rachael took over the role. As of 2007, this is Rachael Henley's only film performance.

I want to make an advert. I've got an idea and a storyboard artist what else do I need to do?

Me and a storyboard artist are in discussion over my idea. If my storyboard gets made then should I send it to the different hair companys (its a hair advert). Please give all the details. I do not own a business or anything, I am also 16. Thanks for any advice.

Didn't Jessie Jackson say 0bama wasn't even Black?

Remember when 0bama was running against Hilary? Jessie weighed in. How soon the libs forget these things so Im here to remind you.

Which juice has more vitamin c? orange, apple, g, cranberry, pinapple?

its for my science proj and i cant buy iodine so i need to know how many drops of iodine it takes for each juice until it changes its color and which juice in order has more vitamin c, and the same amount(a cup) for each juice.

Statistical data or function between the time (or speed) to preform a task and the skill level?

Not sure I completely understand what you are after but, speaking as a statistician, it would depend on the expected relationship between time and skill level. If you expect a linear change in time based on skill level then y = ax + c which would be a simple linear regression. If you expect a geometric change in time then model using logs of both sides and still use regression. Your mathematical model should reflect what you expect to see happen as that is what you would then test with your statistics.

Which QB to start week 2?

I recently picked up A Rogers for a QB option. This week I could start A Rogers, M Helbeck or Favre. Who looks like the best start? Matt is hurting..and lost Nate, Favre against NE defense, and Rogers who looked good week 1 is up against Det. Any suggestions?

When did Sarojini Naidu say about Jinnah in 1947 on being asked about India's partition on 14 th August, 1947?

She was asked how could India be partitiond despite her presence in Indian National Congress ? She said, "Even hundreds of Nehru, Gandhi & Patel in Muslim League could not have got Pakistan (after India's partition on August 14, 1947) but if there was a single Jinnah in Indian National Congress, India would never have been partitioned." She referred to advocacy of Jinnah of top order, unmatchable in Congress. None was able to bluff Jinnah. Gandhiji tried too much by beating about the bush but always failed. She was a patriotic poetess. Her anti-partition poems failed & that's why she was asked the above mentioned question. Her statement was published in newspapers.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My brother's going to Iraq. I wrote this for him. Please tell me what you think?

As a former Marine and a poet, I find in heart felt and poignantly beautiful. Your pen is your brother's sword!

Why do people care about StoneCold Steve Austin?

People want him to keep coming back and everything but he walked out on us several times. He thought that he should get his way even when he could not go in the ring. He walked out after Wrestlemania when he wrestled Scott Hall because it wasn't a high up on the card match. The Rock even told him to get the F out so why does everyone want him to come back time and time again. I know he was a huge star and probably the 2nd biggest draw in the company next to the Rock, and I do like the guy but enough is enough I think. And he was suppose to wrestle Brock on Raw one night but decided to take his ball and go home again cause it wasn't an advertised match. Or with the JR and Coach storyline, he told Vince he wasn't coming since they wanted to put Coach over (with alot of help of course so they could continue that storyline). In 1999 and early 2000 he refused to work with people like Jeff Jarrett, Benoit, Angle, and Billy Gunn cause he said they were not in his league....

America Vs. San Luis, what are your thoughts?

Horrible donde estaba": Rolfi, Vicente sanchez, Rosinei, Ochoa, Reyna, Vuoso, Esqueda, Pardo. Espero k america mejore para la JDA1 contra pachuca.

Ok, so what does this mean?

probably a position she was in while having with the guy. missionary position is when the women lays on her back and spreads her legs a the guy gets on top of her and they have together.

This Anti-America Chavez guy.....?

I wish I could be of help, but want you to know I support your idea and hopefully someone will come up with the answer..good luck

What was the number one song in the max 5000 countdown??

Yeah I want to know as well. I wish they would publish a list for it. I think it would be a valuable resource.

Does anyone else think that calling someone so they can wish you a happy bday makes you a cad?

My sons "dad" and I use that term as loosely as humanly possible called and woke us up at 6am our time just to tell me to have my son call and tell him happy birthday! I personally find this in horrid taste. If you haven't seen you child in a year do you really think he cares that its your birthday?! Does anyone else think this is just really poor manners?


put your back foot on the tail of the board and your front foot right below the bolts. pop down with your back foot and at the same time jump and slide your foot on its side to the front. then land.

Christmas sing along with a teddy bear?

I was in elementary school and my music teacher used to show us this video with a teddy bear who looked like the snuggle bear. I remember they went to a church and sang songs like "Children Go Where I Send Thee" and I think it ended with "Go Tell it the Mountain". Any help? I really want to find it for my nephew.

Sri Lanka board to ask Malinga to return from IPL?

All of the Sri Lankan players,excluding Malinga, are returning from the ipl on 5 th May for England tour.They are giving their country more importance than IPL,and I think there is nothing wrong in it.IPL is just a Domestic tournament.

I want to invest in Malaysian stock market can some one help me to start?

i am new here in KL and even dont understand Basa, i tried to contact some people here but due to my communication limits got nothing i want to start in stock market can some one help me

Please help me to calculate the amount of calories , sugars, protein, carbo , calcium and dietary fibre?

Well it's gonna be very hard .You should but all of those things and caculate the carbs , protein and such.or you can look it up :D

Is the Tracy Anderson Mat Video worth the money?

My sister recently bought this video because it claims to burn fat without getting bulky. This is exactly what I am looking for. Is this video a scam? or should I buy it.

Battery solution or distilled water? what to buy?

anyways the water in my car battery is low so i brought it to some tech guy and he said he wont fill it with distilled water as i requested him because he said it would shorten the battery's life he would only agree to fill it with battery solution. so i thought battery solution is only used if battery is very very new? i wanted to argue with him but im also having doubts what to use whether it's distilled or battery solution?

What uggs should i get from this website? worth 10 points?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a NO UGG hating please. I really love UGGs! I LOVE this website. I am getting UGGs for my birthday and if you buy one for 139 bucks or more you get a free UGG care kit. Two on this website are the price of one. Everything on sale though is less than 139 dollars. I am thinking about getting 2 so recommend 2 the price and the color. And no, I am not poor. People think just because i'M IN TO SAVING i AM POOR! So no I am not poor I just have lots of money. It is also an authorized UGG website, so no worries. I would recommend getting Uggs from this website. THANKYOU!

I'm so scared of driving please help me?

When I started learning we would go to empty parking lots or the vacant fair grounds so I could practice without having to worry about other cars. Once you get the feel for the vehicle the rest will just come. Go driving around some where vacant so you can get the hang of stopping and starting, turning, parking and all that. Also your local DMV (where you go to get your drivers lic) should have booklets that tell you all the rules and back in the day when I did it they actually had tips in it. If you are scared when you drive, it will show. Just relax and go with the flow and remember where the brake is :) If you get behind the wheel all stressed out you won't be doing yourself any favors. Have fun with it!

Bio Question... Ecology related?

An ecologist studying desert plants performed the following experiment. She staked two identical plots that included a few sagebrush plants and numerous small annual wildflowers. She found the same five wildflower species in similar numbers in both plots. Then she enclosed one of the plots with a fence to keep out kangaroo rats, the most common herbivores in the area. After two years, four species of wildflowers were no longer present in the fenced plot, but one wildflower species had increased dramatically. The control plot had not changed significantly. Using the concepts discussed in the chapter, what do you think happened?

Whats the best food brand for a Chihuahua?

We are adopting 2 female chis from the shelter, and they are both1 year old, both pretty averaged sized. I already have the 1/3 i in the morning, 1/3 afternoon, etc, but what is your best brand? What brand keeps the coat shiny and the dog i in top condition? And they are both longhair i don't know if this helps, but...... Thanks!

Will the Oakland Raiders make the playoffs this year?

Chiefs and chargers would have to lose the next two games and raiders would have to win next 2 games. Even that wont be enough because they will tie up with the chiefs. probably 40% chance of a playoff for the raiders

Whose voice is on the latest M&S advert?

This has really been bugging me, whose voice is on the latest advert for M&S, where he's talking about making an apricot tart?? I really recognise the voice but can't place it! Thanks

I dont know what im doing! HELP! Julius Caesar!?

Ok so im writting paper about how brutus feels guilty for killing Caesar and how it effects his life (but i mite get rid of the part about how it effects his life). Anyways im having two body paragraphs and in the first one i have example of when/how he feels guilt before he actually kill caesar, and then the second is after he kills him. I have all my points except one for the second paragraph, so far i have stuff about Caesars ghost and how (i believe) its like a figment of him imaginations (and i added stuff about how he hasnt been sleeping, also because of his guilt) and its subconsciously reminding him of what he did. I also added the quote from when Brutus is about to kill himself (with help) and he says that line about how it is easier to kill himself than it was to kill caesar, and i connected it to the fact that he thought of caesar before he died, not anyone else, and how he died with this guilt. Now i need one more quote that shows the guilt he feels AFTER caesar's death, and i NEED a quotee! It doesnt have to be long ANYTHING WILL HELP! and if u have some example from before he kills caesar that wld help tooo! thank you sooo muchh! Im sooooooo lostt, AND its due TOMORROW! D:

Why is it neccessary to put peas in Beef Stew?

If offers no flavor or taste to the stew. It doesn't offer no thickening agent to the stew. I hate peas. I thought I would ask.

How long does it take to get from Rome to the Da Vinci airport by taxi?

abt 45 minutes depending on trafic but it is extremely expensive.. I also suggest the train... Italian living in Italy


Is old Hugh dead? I hope they keep the mansion open if he is, I plan to attend a party there when i turn 18 lol. IS HE DEAD???? If he is, when and why did he die.

Should the Phallus be removed before the Pope gets there?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Help with possibly essay question on Midterm?

The difference b/t clic tragic hero & modern one, according to Arthur Miller's "Tragedy & the Common Man"? Thanks!

29 wks preg with swelling on ribs?

i started having slight pain on my right ribcage yesterday which had bit of swelling on it and its very painfull like ive been punched there, havent felt baby move much at all but it may be because of the pain im in - it hurts even when i cough, is this a common thing in pregnancy or should i get it checked out and is it likely baby is okay as i have hardly felt her at all

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Americans: How could you possibly agree to fly in an airplane under these security conditions?

I think I'd rather be patted down, even if I was felt up by a fruit, than crash to the ground in a firey heap.

Dark brown hair...lighter brown, darker brown or red?

pale skin looks great with red hair. go for a graduated bob with an all over auburn wash. lovely! like this - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who were the specific SNL hosts of what seasons what Maya Rudolph reprised her role as Whitney Houston?

I wanna know! I plan to rewatch the episodes she did a Whitney Houston impression. They're all super hilarious.

Androgen levels help?

my colestorol level is a bit elevated as I have a fatty liver desease. and that is ociated with it. try diet and lots of exersice and go back in a couple of months to see if it has lowerd. Your levels do not sound like they are high enough to be put on medication so it can come back down naturally with a good eating plan and exersise. good luck

Landlord problem, tenants how would you handle this?

I would take them to small claims court take photos and date them of everything wrong. Write them a letter complaining and make a copy of that letter possible even have it notorized that you had it sent to them.. Them take them to court they can not by law make you live under those conditions.... Good Luck..

I am trying to find this one purse!!?

I saw this cute picture of the purse i wanted on google images but it didn't have the place to buy it the purse was pink with polka dots on the handle then it looked like a quilt PLEASE HELP !!!!

Why is there a double-standard within the Democratic Party?

The hierarchy of the Republican Party within Congress has known that Rep. Foley is a , but did not come forth with this information, fearing that it could damage his reputation. One week ago, we learned that Rep. Foley had been sending explicit IMs to former Congressional pages. Now, the Democrats are all over the Republicans for not coming forth with the information that Foley is a ual, and furthermore, for not reducing his contact with male pages. Had the leadership within the Republican Party outed Foley as a , and thusly forced him out of Congress, the Democrats would have been all over them for being "s." Now, they are all over the Republicans because they weren't "phobic" enough in dealing with the Foley situation when it first came to light. Now that there is this, it is a "cover up." Yet, when there is a scandal within the Democratic Party, and Republicans jump all over it, it is dismissed as a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Why???

What is the weather like in Boston, Machusetts?

I am moving there in January and I am wondering what the weather is like in the winter and the summer. I'm a little excited because Ive heard there is a lot of snow in the winter, is that true? Also I snowboard and I was wondering if there are any ski/snowboard resorts around he area?

Is it me, or is anyone else waiting for another Justin Timberlake album?

I hope he is not letting R. Kelly's comments about him deter him from making another one. His first album was hot (and so is he!)

How's life in Aruba, should I move?

I'm not sure how updated this page is, but at the very bottom there's a little section about living and working in Aruba: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where can i find the Roxy Nice Paws Hoodie?

i know on but i cant seem to find one in my size (which would be a medium) and i would get the large but im not sure if it would be too too big bc i dont like my hoodies large haha so i im the exact size of a medium so, how would the large fit me?

What did you get your baby for Christmas?

there's this cute rubber frog that croaks out bubbles when you squeeze it, it's really cool. But i think it's $30 or something like that

Is the plan to move the May bank holiday childish?

May day is a great day for all, everybody seems happy, its childish and ignorant to move it. But were having some nonces wedding forced on us as a public holiday, yeah great your highness so glad you're getting married don't mind all the people paid off or out of work. Brilliant those in work have to do twice the work to make up for the lost days production at least mayday was known about well in advance and companies could work around it.

Pushing blood out after miscarriage?

So sorry this happened to you, I had two and know the pain your feeling. Back to the question, you will bleed as if you had a baby, if you are bleeding more now and large clots I would go see a doctor just to be safe. It could be it didn't all come out, or infection. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your woman organs, if you neglect it and there is a problem it could lead to permanent damage. Good luck, and keep trying, I have three beautiful healthy boys now. :)

System stability question- I've got an ancient PC - Via KM266 chipset I want to upgrade its organs?

there are pc stores that trades your old pc to an upgraded one, I traded my old pentium 3 pc for a new core2duo witn new motherboard and 1g DDR2 for just $65 now thats a sweet deal

Does anyone know where I could find this song?

I'm looking to download the Good Ship Misery song from the Penguin and the Pebble, and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find it? I've checked Amazon and Rhapsody and no one seems to have it!

Which adizeros are better? synthetic or leather?

I usually wear kangaroo leather but these are too good to p up, please let me know which you think would be better. leather or synthetic....

A friend is using her first breakup to fish for attention(i think). What the hell do i do?

Just because she calls doesn't mean you have to go and hold her hand. You are choosing to do that. They are her issues and she is dealing with them the only way she knows how. Just because that is different to how you would deal with things doesn't make it wrong. It is really unethical to broadcast people's real names in public forums. So just let it all go. With the amount you have written here it is clear that it is you who is seeking attention!

What is your religious affiliation and do you live at home with your parents?

If I could sponge off my parents just like I did when I was younger, I would be at their address today, but I have my own little sponges at home lol

Song at the end of this movie?

Does anyone know the name and artist of the song that plays at the very end of harold & kumar escape from guantanamo bay? when the credits are rolling and they're in that costume store and they're trying on all these weird masks? and the person singing it is like, 'and on & on & on' repeatedly. Thanks for anyone who answers! =]

Tell me your opinion ..?

honestly shopping at hollister and ae is only going to make you walk around campus with the same exact clothes as other girls in your school. if i were you i would shop someplace else. im not saying that the clothes arent cute but do you really want to look like a clone??

What is the main reason why cosmologists believed that inflation must have taken place in the early universe?

Inflationary theory helps to explain the observed isotropy of the visible portion of the Universe and also the creation of the four known forces in the Universe (weak and strong nuclear forces, electromagnetic force and gravitational force).

When will i get my period?

i havent got my period and im practicly the only one in my year that hasnt.... :'( and there only 13

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does she like me? does her boyfriend know this and is afraid of loosing her?

several times i have notice this girl lookin at me and a lot of the time she will be with her boyfriend. her boyfriend is also the schools star football player and is going off to college. whenever i try to confront her about any of this she claim that i wouldnt leave her alone and block me on facebook. yet she still found some reason to look at me and then i saw him slap her on the hand. now im not sayin that he hit her hit her but she did jump when it happen. the reason why he did it was because he notice that instead of her listen to him she was lookin over at me. please help i have a lot of respect for her and i dont want to see her in pain. also on the last week of school her and a friend saw me walkin home. as they drove by they honked and she was yelling something out the window.

What is this song???????????????????

is this it ? a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a if not re edit this post i'll keep searching

Okay I have a 2000 Taurus for last couple years check engine light is on. Autozone tells me code is EGR but...

We replaced the EGR and light went out briefly but came back on later. We were told again it was reading the we replaced it again light went out briefly! Light is still on!! Now I am loosing power when driving sometimes and car doesn't shift properly when this is happening and there is also a rattling at same time. I took it to the guy who rebuilt my transmission last year and he thinks it may be the cad. converter. I HATE MY FORD!!! I just don't want to go have this fixed only to have light come on again and it be same thing or something new!!!

Do you believe in creationism or evolution or both?

I accept the theory of evolution, yes. Im not certain it is the only way we became the way we are today, but it is the only theory I have heard of with any credibility

My husband & I got an angel card off the Salvation Army Tree. Is this enough stuff?

He asked for a basketball & a little tractor. We got him 3 little tractors that make sounds. They are so cool lol. We got him an "NBA" cool basketball. We got him 2 fleece jackets from Old Navy, a pair of spiderman shoes that comes with a spiderman action figure, a kid's playful guitar from walmart, 2 little hot wheel cars, a hand-held video game, and 3 shirts. We still need to get him some pants. Is that enough? We have never done this before.

Why do his parents always positively reinforce him?

My ex-boyfriend (I'm gay) is extremely close to his parents. They are his best friends *eye roll*. Actually, they're his only friends, because he's a miserable @sshole. But anyway, whenever he'd do anything, his parents would always positively reinforce him. "You're so smart Greg." "You're such a hard-worker Greg." "You're such a nice person Greg." Meanwhile, he's a total idiot, unemployed, and destroyed my whole life. I wouldn't exactly call him a "nice person." But with me, they were really nasty and always were telling me how stupid and ugly I am. "Get it together Brian." "Look at Brian's receeding hairline." "Shouldn't you be cashiering at a Wal-Mart somewhere?" I do not get this. Why were they so nice to him, but so nasty to me? And is it normal for parents to tell their kids that everything they do is so wonderful? My parents are always telling me what a loser I am ... how stupid I am, how I've amounted to nothing in life, making fun of me for being on government social istance, telling me I should be standing on a street corner with a "Will work for food" sign. I don't know ... I guess I'm just bitter because everyone's always telling him how great he is, while everyone's telling me what a loser I am.

New skate board?

sup....if u a begginer u should get a skateboard not worth so much money,about...�30/$45.....but if u gonna stick to skateboarding and want u good skateboard go to ebay and search for "almost decks" they are a good make and they last long but are big price...but still worth it....hope it helped

Destroy all humans wont work on my ps2?

i used to play it and it worked fine, but now whenever i but it in and thurn it on, it freezes on the little thing about trademarks and crap. every other game works fine in it, and the cd is in good enough condition. its weird b/c i bought the second d.a.h. game, and the same thing happened. ?????????? wtf if happening

You are here in R&S - Forget the R side - Give your best definition of spirituality?

If you think you are a spiritual individual, (for bonus points) how did you get that way or why do you think you are? Short answers will be immediately disregarded, for how can your answer be of any help to one striving to live in a spiritual way and get spiritual answers? Isn't this a Q&A forum? Shouldn't you have respect for the earnest who are here? And if you don't get that, why even bother answering, unless you have nothing better to do? And if you have nothing better to do, why are you here? (This may require a spiritual answer - oh what a paradox!!!)

Whiplash injury after being rear-ended, at-fault driver's ins co asking for medical records?

if you have not been to the doctor where is your claim? Just on your say so? They are within their rights to medical records

Any cosplay ideas for male?

with a little bit of temporary dye and gel you can be cloud strife or maybe light yagami. or L of deathnote. your description of yourself is similar to kenichi matsuyama in deathnote live action movie. all you need is a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a messy sort of hairstyle. no need to take out your wallet.

Am I prettier than these other girls? 10 pts best answer?

Sorry to not put a funny answer or what ever you wanted, but I have to honestly say that I would probably take you over them...but, this doesn't change the fact that you are ugly. I'm sorry about breaking that too you, if you lost about 30lb's then maybe you'd be someone I could even think about liking.

Cooking time in a crock pot (slow cooker)?

6 hours on high, 8 hours on low. maybe you'll have supper for tomorrow, and need to go w/ Plan B for tonight's supper. You can't rush slow cooking!

HELLLLLPP! What does this mean? tengosue o y mucho? I can't translate it and I don't think it makes sense.?

this is a text from a guy I am seeing and I don't speak spanish so sometimes I don't understand what he is saying lol

What did Ipilkvik and tukkolerktuk explore?

The two Inuit (Ipilvik and Tukkolerktuk) went with Hall to the the United States where they helped him on his lecture tour which raised money for further exploration. Then they returned with Hall, and were landed by a whaling ship on the northern coast in 1864. For five years they performed heroic services for Hall. It was on a trek from Pelly Bay area down the coast of Keewatin that Hall was able to collect facts and relics of the ill-fated Franklin expedition of 1846.

Most spectecular buildings in the world??

2.Dubai hotel.. Highest tennis court in the world. excellent views.. one word to describe it:beautiful

Help with sick babies?

My children are 3, 2, and 5 months and they have all came down with colds, my youngest has bronchitis, I took them to the doctor and got what medicines they needed but I was wondering what other parents did, along with the medicine to help sick babies, I bought the Johnsons vapor bath before I came to work so I was going to use it on my baby tomorrow, does it work well? Or do you know of any other products that work well...I hate to see my babies feeling bad :(

Oil Crisis Question?

If the U.S. faced a severe oil shortage and energy crisis due to the refusal of Arab countries selling us oil, what measures could we take in order to conserve energy?10 pts to best answer!

Why Milosevic was trialed in LaHaye and A.Sharon was exonerated?

Unlike the hypocrite with the peace candle avatar I believe Sharon did whatever he could to offset the corrupt, war monger arafat. If arafat was still alive I have no doubt the palestinian people would be suffering a worse fate while arafat sent millions to suha and his swiss bank accounts. if anyone was a criminal it was yer arafat.In my opinion, unlike the hypocrite peace candle avatar, I wish arafat redemption in death and hope God was merciful on his corrupt soul.

Car in bus lane accident who's fault?

my brother was driving but had a lorry in front which was indicating right. my brother went into the left lane which was a bus lane (active) to overtake the lorry but it went left and hit him and knocked him into the curb. the lorry carried on driving and didnt stop. witnesses came to my brother and told him that it wasnt his fault. the driver did come back and took my brother to the office where they worked. there were two and they intimidated him nito writing a confession that it was his fault. my brother did this and gave his insurance details. he did not take the insurance details of the other driver but can be obtained. the police were not called. he has two witnesses that say it wasnt his fault. whos fault do you think it is?

Poll: Do you think agree that a man having the remote in his hand is equivalent 2 a baby with a pacifier?

Only if a woman with a curling iron in her hand is equivalent to a baby with a pacifier. Don't stereotype.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to get a messy hairstyle for guys? 10 points!?

I guess you could just take some pomade and run it through your hair and try to style it messy that way

Question about the "Fairness Doctrine"?

I've heard a bit about it now. It seems it has something to do with talk radio. What does it actually in-tail?

Does an Epidural block out ALL pain from labour?

I had an epidural due to a 72 hour labour and having to go onto an oxytosin iv drip to help with the contractions, I was in too much pain to feel the needle going into my back and it was a relief to get the epidural, the only thing I felt during the birth itself was when the baby's head crowned, but it was more of a discomfort than a pain.

Safe country for a woman to travel alone?

she could go anywhere and be safe if she is careful. Even the so called safe countries bad things can happen. I would recommend her to go to a tourist destination like goa in india there will be loads of tourists she can hang out with and they speak good english there and it is pretty safe as long as she is careful

Bridgette Bardot?

For a report, I have to dress up as her. What are some trademarks of her that people would know who I am?

Am I being visited by a ghost or possibly a succubus?

sounds like a succubus. i would do what the other person suggested, not the *** one, but the helpful one, and if that doesn't work go to a paranormal and enlist their help. im dealing with spirits right now too.ur not crazy, i dont believe that at all. good luck and listen to that other person!

Are roxy beddings expensive??? HELP PLZ!!!?

I think their prices are actually pretty good. I've included the Roxy link, this link will take you straight to the bedding section. Good luck!

I want an actual scary movie!!?

You know how you can search the internet for scary movies? I've read a lot of lists and I've seen a lot of the movies..they're scary but not like....scary scary. I want an ACTUAL scary *** movie to watch. Does anyone have any suggestions for an actual creepy,scary,gory *** movie? Thanks for the answers :-P

Buying leeds festival tickets from 2 different sellers will we be able to camp together?

if i buy leeds two festival tickets from two different sellers will me and my friends still be able to camp together?

If you have swine flu what do you do?

my friend claims she has swine but but she really doesn't know. she didn't get it looked at and is just making umptions. she didn't take meds other then tylenol maybe and she is all defensive about it claiming she knows it all. i make one litttle suggestion and she blows up at me. she plans to come back to school on wednesday and she got it saturday and i am afraid she is still contaminated and could give it to our clmate what should i do ????? PLEASE help me

Would you vote for Mitt Romney?

My vote is still up for grabs. While I think Romney running for President is interesting, I'd like to know more about what exactly his platform is. The election is still a year and a half away - it's too early for me to say.

Singer and name of this song help?

okay i only know a line of the song but its an r&b song i know sung by a male singer, it goes "....ghetto fab girl & i like your laugh girl but the part that kills me is ooh that *** girl..." and that all i knoe lol . can someone help me please . thanks *

Nursing a 1 year old somewhat exclusively; possibly pregnant again?

I have a year old and am feeding...I tried the bottle and even sippy cup but he refuses! I am trying to wean him off and it's frustrating cause all he cries and will not drink anything at all :( I must say he is a good feeder and does tend to drink water/juice from a real cup. I don't feed around the clock like I use to before he started eating solids (4 months old) he's a smart/big boy! He walked at 10 months...but anyway; his father and I have been having unprotected since my 6 week check up. I must say that aunt flo came briefly after that and has stopped since. My stomach is kind of showing and I tend to feel erflies in my lower stomach and somewhat faint kicks at night when I lay flat. I have took a home test and it was neg., but that was 4/5 months ago. I feel extremely exhausted and my body is screaming I'm pregnant and my man seems to think so also! I keep putting off my doc's app ts...I'm nervous but excited at the same time. Have any of you moms' became pregnant again while nursing? Thanks in advance for the answers!

Change link colours and styles in a certain css?

I am creating my first webpage for myself, i have created multiple webpages before but i want this to be professional. I have a professional look and feel but when i add links to the text navigation bar which is in a css. I Want the links only in this css to be black, no underline and no other colours when active, rollover, or visited. But other links on my page i want to remain blue. Is there a code i can enter under this css to give this effect? Thanks in advance.

Papo Toy Puma Question?

This is very random and I don't expect an answer, but have any of you got the Papo toy Puma/Cougar (no. 50046). It's by Papo Toys, a French company and I need to know if it is male or female. It's for my cousin.

What are your predictions for 2012?

I predict a bunch of cult members making noise and killing themselves for an Apocalypse that isn't coming.

Why do Americans complain so much about poverty when they don't even know what it is?

how do you know what i know? i have seen it firsthand, maybe not as bad as it could get but i have seen it and feel very grateful for not being in that situation.

How do you decaffeinate tea or coffee?

Presumably the caffeine is present and then removed to be de-caffeinated. Is this the case or is it made from a different kind of tea leaf or coffee bean? Is it a chemical process performed after the stuff is made or does it happen as the plant is growing, by depriving it of certain nutrients for example. Also, are there any adverse effects? Phew!

How do i get my 7 week old on a schedule?

Our nightly routine is bath at 8 then lotion/mage, then IF he's hungry a bottle, then i hold and rock him until he falls asleep,.. usually by 10, but sometimes much later. He is getting big and im tired of rocking him, so tonight i did everything normally except i fed him, then rocked till he became drowsy, then i put him in his crib and walked away.. Well of course he started crying, i tried his pacifier and he did not want it, so i decided to let him cry it out,.. unfortunately within 10 minutes he was crying so hard he was choking on his own saliva.. so i got him out and rocked him to sleep.. i am also only wanting to give him a bath every other night, but how would that work?! Please any advice would help! thankyou :)

I just lost my baby.had to get methotrexade for ectopic pregnancy?

I also had an ectopic pregnancy, about 5 months ago. Each person is different as to how long the hormones take to recede, mine were gone in 3 weeks. They also kept testing my hcg levels until they were under 5. I have looked into the test, and everything I have read indicates mild pain and cramping. My doctors said the test should not be done after having one ectopic pregnancy as there is a risk of infection so I am waiting. I am sorry you are going through this and will keep you in my prayers.

Everything about saltwater crocodiles?

I saw them in Australia...they live in the any meat they can catch...lay eggs...check the many zoological web sites..

Baseball help?

Not really bad but not really good, at this point there is no way to tell what players will do, I'd look and compare how each of these guys did last year. Honestly it's a pretty even trade

Nba couples!!!!!?

paul pierce and kendrick perkins,when pierce is hurt,perk is also in nba

How many gays are killed every year due to hate?

It's hard to tell. Since queer people are not forced to disclose their ual identity on forms such as sensuses, it is hard to tell how many victims of violent crimes were queer or not.

Did anyone else hear it was dangerous to lie on your back as from middle pregnancy?

I am finding it hard to stay comfortable at night - as many pregnant women do, but lyeing on my sides all night makes my back and my hips hurt (I do put a pillow between my knees) Sometimes the only postition that I find comfortable is on my back but I am wary as I have heard from a few different sources that it is dangerous as it can do something to a major blood vessel?? Other people I have asked have never heard of this, what do you lot think? h x

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I cant' figure this one out. Any help?

Vegans eliminate all milk products from their diets. This pyramid category is of course important in meeting the dietary requirements of calcium and vitamin D. However, both of these nutrients are contained in fortified grains and are not the main problem with eliminating milk products from the diet. What other important vitamins would be eliminated from the Vegans diet by removing milk products? What other food could they substitute to fulfill the missing vitamin requirements?

How can I use the internet on my tungsten E2 pda by Palm?

How can I get online with it? Do I need some sort of add on? A subscription? Can I use it free in areas where there is a wireless network? What pages can't be viewed by it etc.

Why do these hoodlums find it necessary to destroy other's property by tagging?

i hate taggers too. this happened to me on our garage. they're punks who need a life. for us there was a program that had someone come free and clean up the garage for us with a pressure hose and other things. i am really sorry this happened to you. i hope they have to pay and go to jail. ask if your area has a program that cleans up tagging

Does this sentence make enough sense?

No, it is a run-on sentence. The sentence needs to be split, but having a hard time due to not knowing exactly what you are talking about.

If we built a giant spaceship and called it "The Rapture"?

I wish I could fund it. Don't make the tickets too expensive, you want them all to go, right? Lets get started. I have all kinds of parts.

LaDanian Tomlinson or Chris Johnson?

In a keeper league, I'd go with Johnson at this point too. The two may have similar value this year, but Johnson is a potential keeper for a few years into the future.

Do you think Evan Turner will be the no. 1 pick?

i think he could be. he just has to perform really well when hes scouted. he is a really good player no doubt and i think he could be successful in the nba. he can play 2 or 3 which is good. he can score and he can rebound pretty well. john wall is good too but if i was drafting with the no 1pick( which most likely will be nets) i wouldnt pick wall. i would probably pick turner. new jersey already has a all star point guard and a really good center. add a really good guard/forward and they should be pretty good

Why don't any US politicians sue people (such as Coulter etc.) for defamation? It happens elsewhere??

Why don't any US politicians sue people (such as Coulter etc.) for defamation? It happens elsewhere?? I can just imagine the huge windfall these guys would probably get if any of them decided to sue people who make wild allegations against them. Probably would pay for their whole Presidential Campaigns.

How are my pan-fried shrimp overcooked if parts aren't pink?

If the pan isn't too hot, maybe it's not hot enough. Or maybe not enough oil. They should only take 3 - 5 minutes total unless they are huge.

Looking into the future, how good do you see your favorite College Football teams becoming next season?

We're losing Colt McCoy, Jordan Shipley, and our entire offensive line, unless the two Juniors decide to stay. We keep most of our defense though, losing only Lamar Houston and Roddrick Muckleroy and Sergio Kindle. There are two secondary guys that might hit the draft because they are Juniors, Curtis Brown, Chykie Brown both CB's, I'm not worried though, we have plenty of talent behind them anyways. Our defense will keep us in games, but I am not sure how our offense will do. We will continue to get better on defense not losing many guys. Our secondary will coninue to get stronger and because we're not losing much in the front seven, I can imagine our defense being very rock solid. I'm scared for our offense though, we might not be scoring a lot anymore.Replacing a veteran offensive line is hard, look at OU, they are suffering greatly. Good thing is, if we start freshman and sophmore's they be awesome in a few years. Malcolm Williams, D.J. Monroe, (if he doesn't get suspended again) Dan Buckner, and John Chiles, (if he doesn't leave) will need to step up for Shipley, and QB Garrett Gilbert will really have to step up and show his potential as a sopre. Williams, Chiles, and Buckner have starting experience, and will help Gilbert. Our running game will have to get better to help him out. Cody Johnson is 255 pounds of Bradon Jacobs like hulk. He is tough to bring down and his experience will help. Foswhitt Whitaker is 190 pounds and a speed back, get him in the open and he's gone, he's shown he can do well a little bit this year already. Tre' Newton is 200 pounds and one of the fastest backs we have, he hits the hole jukes and dances and is gone. Great size and speed, I think he'll be a lot like Cedric Benson was. Chris Whaley is an upcoming sopre and is a balanced runner, good in space and breaks tackles, I am hearing about the potential with him. It just might be a lot of running next year...if our new offensive line can block for them. We'll see.

I am getting Married in August and i am ordering my Bridesmaid dresses on line.?

Can Any one help me as i need to get my Bridesmaid's measured, Does anyone know of anywhere or anyone who can measure them either very cheaply or maybe free of charge? In the Derby area or Birmingham area Thank you so much.

In a bar, a Russian said?

is vokar vodka? because if so thats funny.. if not its probably still funny i just am not sure what vokar is

Pros & Cons about dating more than one person?

Ok, I'm currently in a situation where I'm dating 2 men. Both know of each other and we all live together right now [sorta, gotta work out details with landlord] Either or, I'm really confused, not use to it and never have thought about doing it. I love one more than the other. Boyfreind #1 I was with since Jan. 2011 then we split last night- b.c alot of his things he says, does was annoying me and the fighting so I broke it off, but couldnt stand him hurting, crying, heart broken. I liked this other guy [bf#2] some, wanted to give him a chance- he suggested we tried "trio" dating that he's done it before but now I'm confused who I should feel for and want to be with. Yes I'm upset that bf#1 was or is hurting thats why I said take me back b.c I need him, care about him & I love him. I like bf#2, whos fallen for me & has said if we break up he won't have anything to do with me b.c that's what he does too keep from getting hurt or drug along. Help.

Did you know that the main attributing factor to global warming is....?

Air conditioner, the c2c's break down the ozone layer, each c2c has a life of 2 years approx and the entire life of the c2c, from the time the it is released into the atomosphere it breaks down the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects us from the sun, that is why the sun is so much hotter and causing wildfires and hurricanes, as well as the flooding due to rain and the melting of the glaciers, water level is rising and there will be alot less land one day in the future. Does anyone dispute this? Who out there is willing to let go of air conditioners to allow our earth and mainnly our precious ozone layer time to heal itself?

Getting a cell phone soon and...?

i have the chocolate.... everyone has it but who cares its still a cool phone... i kinda like the LG Venus from verizon tho... its pretty sick go check it out

How can muslims claim that Muhammad is a prophet?

You are 100 per cent correct. The Bible has clear and explicit instructions to be wary of the False Prophet, i.e. the wolf in the sheep's clothing...the thief in the night.....check out Daniel & the revelations for clear indications of knowing the characteristic of the False Prophet, the mark of the beast! You do not need to read between the lines to read the truth about the False Prophet' in the Bible...just read the Bible in a politically incorrect manner to see the truth! Prophets of God do not fear ridicule or criticism...Prophets of God do not command their followers to Kill their critics.....Prophets of God do not demand subservience at the point of a sword! Prophets of God do not speak ambiguity and abrogate the original words they claim came from God! Prophets of God do not seek to break the original covenant of god and his laws but come to fulfill the law in continuation with the earlier books and not in contradiction and claims that God allowed his earlier books to be contaminated/corrupted!! The Deuteronomy is very clear about checking out whether a Prophet is a true or false...simple litmus test for beginners is to know a tree by its fruits...Just look around the Islamic world and see the havoc & turmoil its poisonous teachings has done to its own people because of the basic fundamental flaw in Islam of glorifying & sanctifying violence. You may color violence with whatever sanctified political correct names, i.e. holy wars, etc but the fact remains that it cannot hide its hideous face and its effects on the Islamic world. No doubt the Islamic world is ridden with under education, poverty, dictators, barbaric antiquated anti-secular sharia laws.

How do I tell this guy I like him?

I've known this guy for like 3 months at least maybe 4. he's in my homeroom and in one of my cles, which i sit next to him in. when our cl goes for walks we talk and in that one cl we talk a little. My parents don't approve of him, my friends don't approve of him and I hate his friends. My friends don't approve of him because he does drugs and is retarded enough to bring it to school. How do I tell him I really really really like him? I think he knows cuz some kid was like OMG DO YOU LIKE HIM?? when he was sitting right next to me and i said no twice but there were 2 ppl who knew already there and they laughed... and that person said he was flirting back soo.. yeah idk. what should i do??

A slingshot fires a pebble from the top of a building....?

If the pebble is shot straight horizontally in the beginning, then the horizontal speed would be 17.7 m/s. This is because in the horizontal direction, there is no acceleration. Therefore, there is no change in speed in that direction. I guess you got parts b and c b/c you didn't ask about that. Still, I got 26 m/s for those ( I don't really understand the down and up part, so may be it means positive and negative). I'm guessing this is for webign? Hope this helps :)

Evaluate the following improper integral:?

Int 10*(x-6)-3/2 = 10*(-2)*(x-6)^(-1/2) +C and the limit for x=>6 is infinity so the integral is divergent

How can I approach my friend? Please read for more info?

Okay, my friend in my school during I guess you can call it counseling or advisory, and she told us some really deep problems. I feel bad for her, and I just want to be there for her incase she needs someone to talk to. We're not tight friends, but we're cool, I've chilled with her a few times. I want to be able to tell her that if she ever needs to talk to someone about what she is going through, that I'm here for her...but I don't want it sounding that I have an attraction to her-which I don't, don't get me wrong though she is beautiful. It's just that it saddens me that she goes through all this, I would've really never expect it from her because she is always happy and in a good mood, and lots of people like her.

OMG EWWW! My toddler just tried to eat his own poop?! Is this normal?!?

He's just a curious little boy. It's totally normal for him to put any and everything in his mouth. I would introduce him to the potty. Don't expect much yet, just reward him if he does well. Don't let him play with his potty, but do let him sit on it, and maybe read him a little story.

Can someone please tell me about what ths part of movie Can't Buy Me Love meant?

At end of movie Cindy mancin sees Ronald Miller mowing the law and stops hia nd says, This shoudl cover it. was she referrng to the money she is paying him to do her lawn or the 1000 she took from him hen she rented him? Please reply asap as I just thought of this when i saw movie tonight. I kinda always thought she was paying him back the 1000 but just tonight I was thinking was she referring to the lawn. I was kinda hoping she was paying him the 1000 so then she is with him now because she fell in love with him and wanted to pay him back. She broke the agreement by leaking out at New years eve party that he paid her to pretend they were dating.

Fetus Rights and Feminism, Why a pregnant is NOT responsible for fetus rights abuse while everyone else is?

Because we live in feministan where womyn can do no wrong. Whatever wrong she makes will be blamed on Men , Children, Toddlers & the Fetuses.

Do You Recon Any Of These Are Signs?...ಠ_ಠ?

Well following on from what i said earlier i have got to know her better. Iv gone out with her a few times after school and i talk to her way more than i used to. Plus, we've made random eye contact a few times....but, i have reason to believe that she may already know that i like her...i mean i do see her glance at me for like...a millisecond in the corner of my eye or when we're in a group and when im not talking to her much...but that may be because she's curious in weather im looking at her....although if that is the case then i guess its not all bad....i mean i kinda in a way want her to know that i like her...but on the other hand that may make her feel more weary...or like i dunno stay her distance from me which i don't want...However, friday night we talked on the phone for about 1 hour! It was mainly about random crap and such but still :D anyway, :( im still not convinced on weather she likes me or not so can someone give me their opinion on if she does or not from what iv said?....thanks ^_^