Friday, August 12, 2011

I don't know what else to do!!!?

Rocking your baby to sleep is a HUGE mistake. I learned that the hard way with my oldest son. He insisted on being rocked to sleep until he was 2! In her mind she fell asleep in your arms and is probably very upset when she wakes up in her bed. I suggest teaching her to fall asleep on her own. It will be a huge pain at first but SO worth it in the long run. I give my son a bath and turn the lights down low and give him his last bottle for the day. I will sing him a few soothing songs then I lay him down in bed awake, but tired and relaxed. Usually he goes right to sleep but sometimes he will toss and turn for 10 minutes or so. If he does cry I will rub his back and sing to him again. But I do NOT pick him up unless he gets hysterical. Even then I just do our routine over... hold him and sing a few soothing songs then back to bed awake. I did everything different with my younger son and we have both slept SOOO much better this time around. But my main advice is to stop rocking her to sleep. It will just get worse and worse. Good luck!

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