Sunday, August 7, 2011

Looking into the future, how good do you see your favorite College Football teams becoming next season?

We're losing Colt McCoy, Jordan Shipley, and our entire offensive line, unless the two Juniors decide to stay. We keep most of our defense though, losing only Lamar Houston and Roddrick Muckleroy and Sergio Kindle. There are two secondary guys that might hit the draft because they are Juniors, Curtis Brown, Chykie Brown both CB's, I'm not worried though, we have plenty of talent behind them anyways. Our defense will keep us in games, but I am not sure how our offense will do. We will continue to get better on defense not losing many guys. Our secondary will coninue to get stronger and because we're not losing much in the front seven, I can imagine our defense being very rock solid. I'm scared for our offense though, we might not be scoring a lot anymore.Replacing a veteran offensive line is hard, look at OU, they are suffering greatly. Good thing is, if we start freshman and sophmore's they be awesome in a few years. Malcolm Williams, D.J. Monroe, (if he doesn't get suspended again) Dan Buckner, and John Chiles, (if he doesn't leave) will need to step up for Shipley, and QB Garrett Gilbert will really have to step up and show his potential as a sopre. Williams, Chiles, and Buckner have starting experience, and will help Gilbert. Our running game will have to get better to help him out. Cody Johnson is 255 pounds of Bradon Jacobs like hulk. He is tough to bring down and his experience will help. Foswhitt Whitaker is 190 pounds and a speed back, get him in the open and he's gone, he's shown he can do well a little bit this year already. Tre' Newton is 200 pounds and one of the fastest backs we have, he hits the hole jukes and dances and is gone. Great size and speed, I think he'll be a lot like Cedric Benson was. Chris Whaley is an upcoming sopre and is a balanced runner, good in space and breaks tackles, I am hearing about the potential with him. It just might be a lot of running next year...if our new offensive line can block for them. We'll see.

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