Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why is there a double-standard within the Democratic Party?

The hierarchy of the Republican Party within Congress has known that Rep. Foley is a , but did not come forth with this information, fearing that it could damage his reputation. One week ago, we learned that Rep. Foley had been sending explicit IMs to former Congressional pages. Now, the Democrats are all over the Republicans for not coming forth with the information that Foley is a ual, and furthermore, for not reducing his contact with male pages. Had the leadership within the Republican Party outed Foley as a , and thusly forced him out of Congress, the Democrats would have been all over them for being "s." Now, they are all over the Republicans because they weren't "phobic" enough in dealing with the Foley situation when it first came to light. Now that there is this, it is a "cover up." Yet, when there is a scandal within the Democratic Party, and Republicans jump all over it, it is dismissed as a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Why???

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