Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why do people care about StoneCold Steve Austin?

People want him to keep coming back and everything but he walked out on us several times. He thought that he should get his way even when he could not go in the ring. He walked out after Wrestlemania when he wrestled Scott Hall because it wasn't a high up on the card match. The Rock even told him to get the F out so why does everyone want him to come back time and time again. I know he was a huge star and probably the 2nd biggest draw in the company next to the Rock, and I do like the guy but enough is enough I think. And he was suppose to wrestle Brock on Raw one night but decided to take his ball and go home again cause it wasn't an advertised match. Or with the JR and Coach storyline, he told Vince he wasn't coming since they wanted to put Coach over (with alot of help of course so they could continue that storyline). In 1999 and early 2000 he refused to work with people like Jeff Jarrett, Benoit, Angle, and Billy Gunn cause he said they were not in his league....

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